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Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Alex Magallan randomness....

Alex came through with some random photos for me. The first one is him and a 20 year old Bully bike. The bike was actually being repaired at Howard's in Bowling Green KY. If it's being repaired, that means it's still being ridden. I remember when those things came out.... Shit, I'm old!!

The next pic comes with a good story:

Yo Brian! Heres a pic of Jake Rhoades and i. This was the night of Lucero a couple of weeks back. This van is owned by my heavy metal friend named Spencer. When we got in the van, it was full of natural light cans, amps, guitars, leather jackets and any other metal misc. gear. Wild ender to the night,i ended up getting smacked by this girl.Then walked over a mile back to the car in some black Laredo cowboy boots.
Yes, that's right, there is at least one girl out there that doesn't fall for Alex's chick appeal!

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