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Thursday, 29 October 2009

Magallan the traveler...

I love when I get photos of Alex. Dude has rad style on and off his bike. I love when I get a good story with the photo, even more. Here is Alex's account of what happened just before this was shot:

Here's a photo from a recent Michigan family trip. Just before this was shot. I had a head on collision with a hobbo on a mountain bike,carrying a bag of empty steel reserves cans. Cans were scattered across the sidewalk and i was on my ass. So pissed man. Cursing and kinda shook up, I grabbed my bike and stormed off. Some random shit i tell u! 10cents for every can and bootle in michigan might i add.

So, Alex didn't get a pic of the hobbo, or steal any of his cans for the money!! He's young, but learning...


Unknown said...

Props to Justin Cooper for taking this pic.

Unknown said...

alex props n congrats...we have to shred again soon...and brian answer ur phone, u shouldnt work so much haha

ben drury said...

sorry brian that was me (ben), forgot to sign in